Elk calls

What are y'alls favorite elk calls to use when you're trying to bring a bull in, or bring a herd in for a shot on a cow or spike?
 7 years ago
4 answers
Lane Housner I like the ELK power bugle and my go to cow calls are primos double reed and Carlson diagram call
Joseph Penning
Opinion based question, I say the call you are most comfortable with but if you are getting into it, cheap calls produce poor sound but a few good ones out there. Check out Elk101 and you will learn everything you need. I Follow Cory Jacobson, he's an elk calling champion and I am very pleased with his products. Just starting out or years of experience he is a very good source to learn from. Can't... Read more
John Trammell Reel wooden elk calls are by far the most consistent reliable cow calls available today!!! Never an off note and easy to use hands free or cupped in your hands for a different tone. Bugling Bulls Bully Bull Grunt Tube paired with your favorite diaphragm would be my go to when bulls are responsive to bugling.
Justin Skillings I love using Phelps mouth diaphragm calls and also those from Rocky Mountain hunting.. I also use the Rocky Mountain bugle tunes and they are great! The Phelps diaphragms (to me) were easier to use and sounded better as I could clearly hear the pitch changes as I bugles. Also great for cow calls!