Washington, United States
• Wings whistling and dive bombing into your spread! Dog making multiple retrieves…. Really!!!? Can it get any better than that! Shooting mixed bags of mallards, widgeon, canvasbacks, redheads, goldeneyes, buffleheads, and bluebills. Using big spreads of decoys on the Columbia River to small groups on the Okanogan River. All the best motion decoys legal to this state and top notch calling to insure hunter success. Hunting out of established blinds, laydown blinds along the river and private ponds are our areas for hunting these great birds.
Goose - Hunting over Green Head gear decoys and experience callers continues to be uncrowded and exciting as we shoot from camouflaged pit blinds, lay-down blinds and the ever famous "snow box."
OVGS takes pride in having a good hunting experience. The long hours of scouting prior tryout hunt and seeing the smiles we bring to our clients make it all worth while!