How to Get a Hunting License in Alabama

Here’s what you need to know about Alabama hunting licenses

Where to buy:

Recreational hunting licenses and stamp endorsements are available online, at Alabama license agents like sporting goods stores and other sport-related retailers, with the County Probate Office/License Commissioner and at Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries Offices.

Buying Alabama Hunting Licenses online:
You can also purchase over the phone: 1-866-353-3468

Guides & Outfitters:

Commercial Licenses, those for holders who are making money from the hunt, must be purchased at the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources office in Montgomery, and select licenses are also available at probate offices.

Residents v. Non-Residents:

Stamps and licenses are available to both residents and non-residents. A resident is someone who has resided in Alabama for more than 90 days and provides proof of residency (see below).

Active Duty Military:

If assigned to Alabama or residing in Alabama but assigned elsewhere, you and your dependents are eligible for resident licenses in the state of Alabama.


Residents - $26.20
Non-Residents - $301.85
Youth (16 and under) and Seniors (65 and over) - No license required
Lifetime Licenses - Varies
Resident landowners - No license required
Commercial - Varies

Additional Permit & Endorsement Prices
Social security number
For Resident Licensed Drivers
Present a valid driver’s license
Present a valid driver’s license
For Non-Driving Residents, a current state issued ID card will serve as proof of residency, or 2 of the following (documents must include address):
Copy of school registration (required for youth 5-16 years old)
Most recent income tax return
Current voter registration certificate
Certificate of employment
Current property tax statement
Health insurance forms
3 months of recent utility bills
Other legal documents that may establish residency after approval by the Conservation Department
Copy of school registration (required for youth 5-16 years old)
Most recent income tax return
Current voter registration certificate
Certificate of employment
Current property tax statement
Health insurance forms
3 months of recent utility bills
Other legal documents that may establish residency after approval by the Conservation Department
Social security number
For Resident Licensed Drivers
Present a valid driver’s license
Present a valid driver’s license
For Non-Driving Residents, a current state issued ID card will serve as proof of residency, or 2 of the following (documents must include address):
Copy of school registration (required for youth 5-16 years old)
Most recent income tax return
Current voter registration certificate
Certificate of employment
Current property tax statement
Health insurance forms
3 months of recent utility bills
Other legal documents that may establish residency after approval by the Conservation Department
Copy of school registration (required for youth 5-16 years old)
Most recent income tax return
Current voter registration certificate
Certificate of employment
Current property tax statement
Health insurance forms
3 months of recent utility bills
Other legal documents that may establish residency after approval by the Conservation Department

If you’re planning a guided hunt, now is a good time to start looking for a Hunting Outfitter in Alabama. They can help you decide which license and stamps are needed for your hunting trip.

For more about obtaining a hunting license in the state of Alabama, visit the Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources site.

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