Black bear hunting over bait in Northern Penobscot and Aroostook counties during the opening week of the 2025 season.
Hunt from a mix of tree stands and ground blinds set up for both firearm and archery hunters. Baits sites are pre-baited starting 30 days before the start of the season and tended throughout the baiting and trapping seasons. Sites are set up in a way to encourage daylight activity as well as to attract and hold as many bears as possible throughout the season. We only book a limited number of hunters a week to ensure there are multiple active baits available to give the highest possible chance of success.
Hunt includes
● 7-day / 6-night primitive camp lodging. (Tents and cots provided; hunters are allowed to bring their tents if desired) ● Meals. (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and Non-alcoholic beverages are included. ● A 100-yard range is available to check the zero of your chosen hunting weapon. (Guides are available to help with weapon issues that occurred during transportation, they are experienced in the proper setup and use of rifles, muzzleloaders, pistols, and bows.) ● A licensed Maine Guide. ● Transportation to and from hunting areas. ● Recovery and field care of harvested game. (Including skinning and quartering if required) ● Transportation of harvested game to the closest check station and local game processor from provided processor lists if desired.
Not Included in Hunt price: ● All applicable licenses and tags required for the hunt. ● Personal hunting gear. ● Chosen hunting weapon and / or ammunition. ● Taxidermy / processing fees.
Opening week of Maine's baiting season usually has temperatures ranging from the 50s to the 80s and rain is common. Raingear is highly recommended as well as a Thermacell to keep the blackflies and mosquitos at bay. A good pair of binoculars are invaluable for spotting bears sneaking into the bait in low light. Most of the sites will be set in heavy cover as such light will fade quicker than in more open woods. Raingear is highly recommended as well as a Thermacell to keep the blackflies and mosquitos at bay.
Firearms. All rifles must be of at least .243 (6mm) caliber and shoot appropriate hunting ammunition ( I recommend heavy for caliber bonded or monolithic projectiles) I recommend hunters use the largest caliber firearm they are COMFORTABLE AND ACCURATE with. I would much rather see someone with a .243 shooting a quality 100gr bonded bullet that can hit a tennis ball every shot off a set of sticks than someone with a .338 Win mag that struggles to keep their shots inside a pie plate. Although shots will mostly be under 40 yards for firearms hunters the dense overhead cover of the bait sites can make sighting on a bear difficult with iorn sights or many non-magnified red dots (especially as many mature bears will only visit a bait-site in the last few minutes of legal shooting light) I recommend the use of a scope with a large objective lens and clear bright glass ( Most of my personal bear over bait rifles have scopes in the (url removed) to 3-12 magnification range, objective lenses between 42 and 50mm and most have illuminated aiming points)
Archery, Pistol and Black powder hunters are welcome Excerpt from IFW "Bow and Arrow Equipment Laws: Required Features
Only hand-held bow and arrow may be used. Draw weight must be at least 35 pounds (there is no max). For moose, a minimum draw weight of 45 pounds is required. For hunting deer, bear, and moose, arrowheads, including mechanical broadheads when open, must be at least 7/8 inch wide. Prohibited Features
It is unlawful to use a set bow. Arrows with explosive or poisonous tips are prohibited. Crossbow Equipment Laws: Required Features
Only crossbows with a shoulder-type stock may be used. Draw weight must be at least 100 pounds (there is no max). For hunting deer, bear and moose, arrowheads, including mechanical broadheads when open, must be at least ⅞ inch wide. Crossbows must be equipped with a mechanical trigger safety device in working condition. Prohibited Features
Hand-held pistol-type crossbows are prohibited. Arrows with explosive or poisonous tips are prohibited."
Black bear over bait $2500.
50% Deposit required on booking hunt Balance due 30 days before the start of the hunt
Deposits are non-refundable however they can be moved to a future hunting date if the original hunt is cancelled.
Camp accommodations will consist of wall tents and cots with bedding provided. Camps will also including covered dining area and camp shower access
We have a limited number of sites that are set up for limited mobility access. Please let us know of any needed accommodations before booking to be sure of a good experience
OTC Black bear permit and Maine Hunting license required