Besides spending time with locals, each day will be filled with the thrills and adventure of stocking birds or animals with only your lens, which isn't as easy as you'd think.
Guinea Fowl $10 Franklin Grouse $10 Dove $5
Upon booking your safari, a $500 "Booking Fee" is due as earnest money to "save the date" and will be credited toward Trophy fees at the completion of your safari. A deposit of 50% of your total hunt rate is required 45 days after booking your safari, which coincides with finalization and signatures of your Safari Contract. The final 50% deposit of your total hunt rate is due when billed 6 months prior to the commencement of your safari. All payments are due within 30 days of the due date, or your safari is subject to cancellation do to lack of payment. The "Booking Fee" is non-refundable for lack of any payment. Your "Final Safari Invoice" which includes Trophy fees from animals killed (or wounded, draw blood) is payable upon receipt. Your trophies may be "held" awaiting payment in full of your "Final Safari Invoice" (Gajogo is not responsible for damage to trophies pending extended delays awaiting this payment, and after one year, reserves the right to dispose of the trophies by any legal means). Hunt rates become locked upon commencement of your safari unless you choose to "move-up/upgrade" the Hunting Category of your safari (this increases the total Hunt Rate cost of your Safari by hunting or harvesting a higher valued Hunting Category trophy animal). Trophy fee rates are based upon the Gajogo Safarilands Price Guidelines for the year that your safari commences, which can be different from the price originally quoted when booked. Gajogo Safarilands does accept credit cards with 3% fee, and Personal Cheques, Certified Cheques, Traveler's Cheques, Money Orders, Bank Wires, Electronic Transfers, or Cash are all acceptable. Prices are subject to change without notice. Payments should be made in USA dollars to: Gajogo Safarilands, LLC (unless otherwise arranged).