Season is open year round. 2 1/2 miles of high fence - large food plots - multiple mineral pits. All hunts can be combined with game bird hunts. Bucks to be harvested will be up to 330" Bulls to be harvested will be up to 375" Harvest prices are subject to change and all animals are scored SCI gross score. All animals harvested and/or wounded will be charged for at the end of your hunt. Hunt Includes - 3 days hunting, 4 nights lodging, meals, guides, transportation to preserve, skinning, quartering, and caping your trophy.
Whitetail Deer up to 150" $3250 150" to 159" $4250 160" to 169" $5250 170" to 179" $6250 180" to 189" $7500 190" to 199" $9000 200" to 220" $11,000 Over 220" price on request
Fallow Deer: $2500 Elk, Up to 350": $6000
Deposit required to book is $500. Non-refundable. If no animal is harvested at the end of your hunt, you will only owe $1,000 for your 3 day and 4 night stay.