Guidefitter is where outdoor government employees access hundreds of pro-purchase programs for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor gear, all in one place.
Situated in the shadow of the Bridger Mountains in Bozeman, Montana, USA, Guidefitter is a company with roots steeped in the outdoors. When we're not working, we spend as much time as possible outside with a rifle, bow, rod, camera, or cold beverage in hand, with friends and family, or sometimes solo.
We're addicted to great outdoor gear and can talk about it for hours. We're passionate about building a thriving outdoor community with like-minded outdoor professionals and enthusiasts like us. And finally, we deeply value your tireless efforts in stewarding and protecting America's natural wonders, ensuring that we all can enjoy these landscapes today and for generations to come.
Being part of Guidefitter means you're joining a community that values your expertise, shares your passion for the outdoors, and understands the importance of your work. We know that quality gear isn't just a want but a necessity for you whether you're monitoring wildlife, maintaining trails, or simply enjoying the serenity of the great outdoors during your off-hours. Our goal is to help you find and better afford the gear you need, so you can actively protect, improve and enjoy our shared natural resources.
To be eligible for access to outdoor government pro purchase programs from our roster of outdoor brand partners, you must first become a verified Outdoor Government “Insider“ member at Guidefitter. Employees of select outdoor government agencies qualify for Insider status:
Guidefitter is more than a source for outdoor government pro deals on hunting, fishing, and outdoor gear.
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Read the Guidefitter Blog to learn more about outdoor brands, the latest outdoor news, and other helpful info.