Guidefitter is where outdoor educators access hundreds of pro-purchase programs for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor gear, all in one place.
Situated in the shadow of the Bridger Mountains in Bozeman, Montana, USA, Guidefitter is a company with roots steeped in the outdoors. When we're not working, we spend as much time as possible outside with a rifle, bow, rod, camera, or cold beverage in hand, with friends and family, or sometimes solo.
We're addicted to great outdoor gear and can talk about it for hours. We're passionate about building a thriving outdoor community with like-minded outdoor professionals and enthusiasts like us. And lastly, we have deep respect for your dedication to teaching, mentoring and igniting a passion for outdoor pursuits and skills. Because of you, future generations are learning an appreciation for the outdoors, wildlife conservation, sustainable and ethical hunting and fishing practices, firearm safety, and more. Outdoor brands also know that you are in a unique position to influence brand and gear selection to youth and others who are entering various outdoor sports, locking in brand affinity for years to come.
We know that staying current with the latest gear and outdoor trends is a necessity for effective teaching. More than most people, you use gear both as a teaching tool and for personal use. This presents a need for reliable and functional outdoor gear that can withstand heavy use. On top of that, you need access to a wide variety of gear options that suit different outdoor activities. But constantly maintaining and updating your gear setup can present a financial burden. Our goal is to help you stay on top of outdoor trends and find the best-possible gear at affordable prices that reflect your significant role as an educator in the outdoor community.
To be eligible for access to outdoor educator pro purchase programs from our roster of outdoor brand partners, you must first become a verified Outdoor Educator “Insider“ member at Guidefitter. Instructors in the following fields qualify to join our ranks of verified Insiders:
Guidefitter is more than a source for outdoor educator pro deals on hunting, fishing, and outdoor gear.
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Read the Guidefitter Blog to learn more about outdoor brands, the latest outdoor news, and other helpful info.