On June 30, 2016 Ballot Issue #13 I-177 qualified for the general election ballot in Montana. Montana Outfitters and Guides Association has stood in firm opposition to this measure and generally rejects the use of Ballot Initiatives for the purpose of creating wildlife and fisheries management policy.
I-177 would ban the use of traps and snares on ANY public lands (approximately ONE-THIRD of the state’s land mass) within Montana and establishes penalties for violations of the trapping prohibition. I-177 establishes untenable requirements for State Agencies as alternative methods for management of the public wildlife.
You can read the full text of the ballot measure at: http://sos.mt.gov/Elections/2016/BallotIssues/assets/I-177.pdf
MOGA strongly opposes to the use of ballot initiatives for the purpose of side-stepping our legislature and representative form of government in the establishing fish and wildlife management policy and law. The initiative process invites and rewards big money and outside interests that are not aligned with Montana values and our hunting and trapping heritage, to impose their values upon us.
- We view I-177 to be an assault upon the Preservation of Harvest Heritage clause contained within Article IX, Section 7 of the Montana Constitution.
- I-177 has several fatal flaws and predictable consequences that will irreparably alter the long history of sound science based wildlife management Montana has enjoyed since statehood. For these reasons MOGA will join many other conservation-minded organizations across the nation to vigorously oppose this ill-conceived action.
- I-177 eliminates one of the most effective methods of wildlife management from being used to control some populations. For example, trapping is the most efficient and cost effective means available for controlling wolves and coyotes. Predator management is part of sound wildlife management practices. I-177 takes this off the table for all public lands in Montana.
- I-177 will add significant costs to the management agency to comply with the hurdles set forth in the bill language and at the same time reduce revenues generated by the sale of trapping licenses. All this at a time when management agencies struggle for remain solvent and effective. The added fiscal concerns that I-177 brings will impact the agency’s ability to meet many of their other responsibilities.
The end game espoused by the advocates for I-177 will not stop with the elimination of trapping, they will most assuredly move to other bans like mountain lion hunting and bear hunting. MOGA understands we cannot allow this effort to succeed.
A Time for Action
The leadership of MOGA has resolved to stand in opposition to I-177 and take the following steps:
- Support the efforts of Montanan’s for Wildlife and Public Land Access (MWPLA) MWPLA is the lead organization in the effort to defeat I-177 and we will stand with them and all the other like-minded conservationists.
- Communicate and Motivate
MOGA will use the full weight of our communications network and contacts to educate voters on the issue and motivate people to actively oppose this ill-conceived measure. We will work in close coordination with the Trappers Association and many other conservation groups to get information into the hands of the voting public by all means available.
- Support Financially
MOGA will use the Hunter Angler Defense Fund to make an immediate $3,000 cash donation to help defeat I-177. In addition, all four members of the MOGA Executive Committee have pledged an additional $500 each making the immediate MOGA contribution of $5,000.
We call on the MOGA membership, the clients we serve and all those who have an interest in sound management of the publics wildlife to make individual donations to defeat I-177.
Donations can be made on line at: http://www.mwpla.com/donations.htm Give what you can but please offer something help defeat this awful piece of public policy.
MOGA will call on non-resident client base to support this effort. We are in a unique position of serving sportsmen and women from across the nation who have a vested interest in how wildlife are managed on their Federal Public lands. We will invite them to join the fight and support MWPLA in defeating I-177.
- Invite others to join the Coalition
This is an issue every sportsman, every rancher and farmer, every landowner and everyone, resident and non-resident, who cherishes the Montana outdoor hunting and trapping heritage has a stake in. We need to set partisan politics and old wounds aside and unify into the powerful voice of the people of Montana. This issue will define the true character of organizations who claim to represent the Montana sportsmen.
The time for action is NOW. Please join us and stand in opposition to ballot box biology and defeat I-177 in November. PLEASE join MOGA in supporting the effort with any size contribution you can afford.