Hunting takes a great deal of preparation and in the midst of that bubbling excitement minor mistakes may lead to fatal outcomes. Lets cover some of the most common causes of hunting accidents.
The majority of hunting accidents occur near a vehicle when handling a firearm. First of all, by law, firearms must be unloaded when transporting them. Accidents occur when hunters don’t handle their weapons properly. This is usually due to lack of practice which also leads to accidental discharges and stray shots.
Never run or jump while holding a loaded firearm! Although this sounds logical, when you are out in the woods treading over difficult terrain, struggling with a slippery hillside or steep mountain edges, you may just be a hop and a skip away from shooting yourself in the foot!
When you’re out hunting with your buddy and that devilish light bulb lights up and you decide to pull a practical joke on your hunting partner, don’t. You may be laughing for a second and then crying for a lifetime. The woods are no place for practical jokes. Your hunting partner may accidentally hurt themselves or you out of fear.
A psychological state called “buck-fever” may lead to unwanted hunting accidents. A hunter’s desire to shoot their prey may in some cases override their common sense and suddenly a fellow hunter in the distance looks like a deer moving through the bushes. Avoid these unfortunate situations by making sure you have ironclad identification. Be absolutely sure you have a clear shot and you know exactly what you are shooting at. Learn to control your “buck-fever” instead of letting it control you.
According to the US National Library of Medicine, two-thirds of all hunting related injuries in the USA occur because of falls from a treestand. And 8% result in permanent neurological damage or death. Frequently these accidents occur because the individual fell asleep, lost their balance or the treestand was poorly constructed.
These falls can easily be avoided by paying attention to a few things. First use a fabricated metal or composite treestand manufactured in compliance with the Treestand Manufacturer’s Association (TMA). Not one that you constructed in your backyard after 6 beers.
Choose a mature tree on which to secure your stand, and don’t fall asleep in it!
Never consume alcohol when you are out hunting. If you are taking any prescription or nonprescription drugs check the side effects because certain medication can cause drowsiness.
Why is this important? Alcohol can affect your senses and coordination making it difficult to be aware of your surroundings. For example, alcohol consumption affects hearing and eyesight which can, in turn, make game location and identification tricky. If you have been drinking your coordination will be disrupted making it more difficult to overcome obstacles and rough terrain. Lack of coordination also affects marksmanship as well as your reaction time. These are all factors that can lead to unnecessary slip-ups resulting in hunting accidents. Stay sharp at all times.
Your hunting trip should be a positive adventure that you can learn from and remember for a lifetime. Make sure it’s memories you carry with you and not regrets.